Due to breaking changes in AnomieBOT::API, this task will probably not run anymore. If you really must run it, try getting a version from before 2009-03-23. |
Approved 2008-09-08, completed 2008-09-08 Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 4 |
package tasks::TemplateReplacer2;
=for warning
Due to breaking changes in AnomieBOT::API, this task will probably not run
anymore. If you really must run it, try getting a version from before
=begin metadata
Bot: AnomieBOT
Task: TemplateReplacer2
BRFA: Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 4
Status: Completed 2008-09-08
Created: 2008-09-05
Replace {{tl|WikiProject Nintendo}} (and old redirects) with {{tlx|WikiProject
Video games|2=tf=Nintendo}}. Also canonicalizes redirects to {{tl|WikiProject
Video games}} on the pages it edits for this reason, since it's editing them
=end metadata
use utf8;
use strict;
use AnomieBOT::Task;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
sub new {
my $class=shift;
my $self=$class->SUPER::new();
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=for info
Approved 2008-09-08, completed 2008-09-08<br />[[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 4]]
sub approved {
return -1;
sub run {
my ($self, $api)=@_;
my $res;
# List of templates to replace in this task
my @templates=('WikiProject Nintendo');
my $tf='Nintendo';
# Spend a max of 5 minutes on this task before restarting
my $endtime=time()+300;
# Get a list of templates redirecting to our targets
my %templates=();
foreach my $template (@templates){
list => 'backlinks',
bltitle => "Template:$template",
blfilterredir => 'redirects',
bllimit => 'max',
$templates{$_->{'title'}}=1 foreach (@{$res->{'query'}{'backlinks'}});
# Before starting, get the list of alternate names for {{WikiProject Video
# games}}
my %WPVG=('Template:WikiProject Video games'=>1);
list => 'backlinks',
bltitle => 'Template:WikiProject Video games',
blfilterredir => 'redirects',
bllimit => 'max',
$WPVG{$_->{'title'}}=1 foreach (@{$res->{'query'}{'backlinks'}});
delete $WPVG{$_} foreach (values %templates);
# Also, get redirects to WikiProjectBanners and WikiProjectBannerShell, for
# renumbering after the wikiproject banner is removed.
my %WPB=('Template:WikiProjectBanners'=>1,'Template:WikiProjectBannerShell'=>1);
list => 'backlinks',
bltitle => 'Template:WikiProjectBanners',
blfilterredir => 'redirects',
bllimit => 'max',
$WPB{$_->{'title'}}=1 foreach (@{$res->{'query'}{'backlinks'}});
list => 'backlinks',
bltitle => 'Template:WikiProjectBannerShell',
blfilterredir => 'redirects',
bllimit => 'max',
$WPB{$_->{'title'}}=1 foreach (@{$res->{'query'}{'backlinks'}});
foreach my $template (@templates){
# Get the list of pages to check
my %q=(
list => 'embeddedin',
eititle => "Template:$template",
eilimit => 'max',
do {
if($res->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$self->warn("Failed to retrieve transclusion list for $template: ".$res->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
} else {
delete $q{'eicontinue'};
# Process found pages
foreach (@{$res->{'query'}{'embeddedin'}}){
my $title=$_->{'title'};
$self->warn("Checking for $template in $title\n");
# WTF?
$self->warn("$title is missing? WTF?\n");
# Ok, check the page
my $tok=$api->edittoken($title);
if($tok->{'code'} eq 'shutoff'){
$self->warn("Task disabled: ".$tok->{'content'}."\n");
return 300;
if($tok->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$self->warn("Failed to get edit token for $title: ".$tok->{'error'}."\n");
next if exists($tok->{'missing'});
# Get page text
my $intxt=$tok->{'revisions'}[0]{'*'};
# First step is to determine if {{WikiProject Video games}} is
# already on the page.
my $has_WPVG=0;
$self->process_templates($intxt, sub {
$has_WPVG=1 if exists($WPVG{'Template:'.ucfirst($_[0])});
return undef;
# Now, we actually perform the replacement
my $append='';
my $summary="Replacing {{$template}} with {{WikiProject Video games}} per [[Wikipedia talk:VG#WikiProject Nintendo|request]]";
my $minor=1;
my $outtxt=$self->process_templates($intxt, sub {
my $name=shift;
my @params=@{shift()};
$name=~s/_/ /g;
return '' if $has_WPVG;
$name='WikiProject Video games';
@params=grep(/^\s*(?:class|importance|small|nested)\s*=/, @params);
push @params, "tf=$tf";
return undef unless exists($WPVG{'Template:'.ucfirst($name)});
# We have the WPVG template now, either by finding the
# existing one or by replacing the target template if no
# WPVG was already present. Now, find if there is already a
# 'tf' for this task force.
my @tf=grep(/^\s*tf[23]?\s*=\s*$tf\s*$/, @params);
if(!grep(/^\s*tf\s*=/, @params)){
push @params, "tf=$tf";
} elsif(!grep(/^\s*tf2\s*=/, @params)){
push @params, "tf2=$tf";
} elsif(!grep(/^\s*tf3\s*=/, @params)){
push @params, "tf3=$tf";
} else {
$append="\n==Template:$template removal issue==\nPer [[Wikipedia talk:VG#WikiProject Nintendo|request]], I am going through all pages transcluding {{tl|$template}} to remove it and add a <code>tf=$tf</code> parameter to the {{tl|WikiProject Video games}} template instead. Unfortunately, this page already uses all three of <code>tf</code>, <code>tf2</code>, and <code>tf3</code> in its {{tl|WikiProject Video games}}, so human intervention is required. ~~~~";
$summary="/* Template:$template removal issue */ Human intervention needed to replace {{$template}} with {{WikiProject Video games|tf=$tf}}";
# Ok, return the new template code now.
return "{{WikiProject Video games|".join("|", @params)."}}";
# Need to edit?
if($outtxt ne $intxt){
# Post-process to fix
# WikiProjectBanners/WikiProjectBannerShell numbering.
$outtxt=$self->process_templates($outtxt, sub {
my $name=shift;
my @params=@{shift()};
$name=~s/_/ /g;
return undef unless exists($WPB{'Template:'.ucfirst($name)});
my $idx=0;
my $out='{{'.$name;
foreach (@params){
# skip it
} elsif(/^\s*\d+\s*=(.*)$/s){
} else {
return ($idx<=1)?undef:$out;
$self->warn("$summary in $title\n");
my $r=$api->edit($tok, $outtxt, $summary, $minor, $minor);
if($r->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$self->warn("Write failed on $title: ".$r->{'error'}."\n");
} else {
$self->warn("Nothing to do in $title\n");
# If we've been at it long enough, let another task have a go.
return 0 if time()>=$endtime;
} while(exists($q{'eicontinue'}));
# No more pages to check, try again in 10 minutes or so in case of errors.
return 600;