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Kufuma Wikipedia

This template returns the Greek letter theta for use in mathematics. A call to this template will produce characters such as 𝜃, 𝜗 (with |var=), or 𝛩 (with |uc=).

Wiki code Rendered result Compared to: which is produced by:
{{theta}} 𝜃 θ ''&theta;''
{{theta|bold=true}} 𝜽 θ '''''&theta;'''''
{{theta|noitalic=true}} θ θ &theta;
{{theta|var=true}} 𝜗 ϑ ''&vartheta;''
{{theta|var=true|bold=true}} 𝝑 ϑ '''''&vartheta;'''''
{{theta|var=true|noitalic=true}} ϑ ϑ &vartheta;
{{theta|var=true|noitalic=true|bold=true}} 𝛝 ϑ '''&vartheta;'''
{{theta|uc=true}} 𝛩 Θ ''&Theta;''
{{theta|uc=true|bold=true}} 𝜣 Θ '''''&Theta;'''''
{{theta|uc=true|noitalic=true}} Θ Θ &Theta;
{{theta|uc=true|var=true}} 𝛳 ϴ ''ϴ''[note 1]
{{theta|uc=true|var=true|bold=true}} 𝜭 ϴ '''''ϴ'''''[note 1]
{{theta|uc=true|var=true|noitalic=true}} ϴ ϴ ϴ[note 1]

TemplateData[kulemba source]

This template displays the Greek letter theta for use in mathematical equations.

Template parameters

Uppercaseuc uppercase

Whether or not the character displayed is uppercase.

No italicnoitalic

Whether or not the character displayed is not italic.


Whether to use the variation of the character for the end of a word.


Whether to use the variation of the character that is bold. Note: Not every symbol has a corresponding bold character.


Notes[kulemba source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 There is no &Vartheta; HTML code for this symbol.

See also[kulemba source]